What is a VIP G.L.A.M. Girl?
A G.LA.M. Girl is a young lady that aspires to be the best she can be. G.L.A.M. girls are devoted to promoting positive self-awareness, and exceptional character. G.L.A.M. girls are socially conscience and involved in community awareness. G.L.A.M. girls focus not on only being their best but providing support for other G.LA.M. Girls on the G.L.A.M. Journey.
- G.L.A.M. Girls are age 4 to 14 who will have the responsibility of representing what a G.L.A.M. Girl is to her friends.
- She will spread the word about events, workshops, pop-up spa party nights and more.
- Our G.L.A.M. Girls will show others how to be great leaders and motivators by being confident, positive and to all her friends and classmates.
G.L.A.M. Girls Perks
- Receive 5% off Retail Items and Spa Parties
- Refer a party and receive GLAM BUCKS
- Receive VIP Access to any special G.L.A.M. Girl events, workshops, pop-up spa parties & etc in exchange for sharing it on your social media account
- Receive Special Perks when booking your party
V.I.P Glam Girls Club
Please fill out the form below.